Why did Elon by Twitter? What did AI have to do with it?

by Tony Palladino It has been 19 months since Elon Musk purchased Twitter for $44B back in October, 2022. Back then, we all asked ourselves, “Why?” The quick answer was, “Why not? He’s got the money.” I remember pondering the question at that time. That thought was rekindled during my ongoing research on the subject of AI, which I enjoy keeping current on. The AI space is moving at the speed of light and I noticed that Elon’s Generative AI solution, called Grok, had a distinct advantage in the AI space. . . . So, why did Elon by Twitter?…

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LLMOps – Generative AI needs new processes to deploy Large Language Models at the Edge

by Sanjay Mazumder Venture Capitalists look at new ideas from one of two perspectives, either it has to be “better, faster, cheaper” or “brave new world”. Seldom do they pick the second one. 2023 is such a year. In the past few months, we’ve already seen how generative AI is setting the business agenda for major tech companies. What makes it different from previous “new worlds” concepts like Metaverse or Crypto Currency? First of all, it’s not an ethereal concept. It’s tangible and proven technology. And it’s not a tech trend only embraced by techies. Rather generative AI is already…

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