DATA DRIVEN – the path to prosperity
Our team can provide insights on the latest on trends and best practices around analytics, data science, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and big data to help you move the needle for your business.
Data strategy – if you don’t have one, you’re at a huge disadvantage; we’ll help you get it done and ensure that it is actionable. If you already have one, we can review and tune it for you
Prioritization and planning – get some outside help deciding which data and analytics projects should be executed in the short term and which should be deferred; let our experts help you plan and scope the projects that make the cut
AI use cases – Embed OpenAI within your product offering. We can develop a ChatGPT user interface to drive your website or current application. We’ll work with you to identify a relevant use case, then we’ll build it for you. We are open to a shared revenue model, as well. Click the button below to get started. . . .
Data architecture – more than icons on a slide; we can connect the dots and enable a smooth data flow
Organizational design – getting your data and analytics org correctly configured will improve efficiency and will deliver greater impact
Data and analytics product positioning – we know your target audiences and what motivates them to buy; we’ll help you develop your websites, collateral and messaging to hit the mark
Winning the room – powerfully presenting your results to investors and other stakeholders is critical to your success; we can help you cut through the noise and get your key messages across
Data wrapping – enhance your product offering with performance dashboards and other data wraps
Data cleanliness – data is rarely (if ever) clean; we can help you make it as clean as possible
Databases – more than a dozen flavors, all purpose built; we can help apply the right database for your specific use cases, including Performance Benchmark Testing
Data types – even non-structured data is structured in some way; we can help you make sense of your data
Digital twin – create virtual models prior to bringing them into physical reality